Unique Paintings of Wales

Buy or Sell Original Paintings of Wales



There are many terms which are commonly used in the world of art to describe pictures and their creators. I use these terms to qualify the pictures I offer. All descriptions are statements of my opinion, but I try to be as factual as I can. It is important for you to make sure that my opinions conform with your own expectations. Please look carefully at all the information given and the images associated with any picture before you buy.

Please remember that the best reason for buying any painting is because you like it.

Here are terms used to relate to the creator of a work together with their meanings to help you understand a description of a painting.

These or similar terms may be found in the catalogues of many auctioneers:

The surname of the artist in capitals followed by first name/s –

In my opinion, the painting was created by artist named. Where an artist uses Initials or a monogram, each initial will be followed by an asterisk to indicate that I do not know the full name.

“Attributed to ….”

In my opinion, probably a work by the artist.

“Studio of ….” or “Workshop of”

In my opinion a work executed in the studio or workshop of the artist, possibly under his supervision. This is unlikely to be the case with the paintings I offer, but you never know. Some of the artists like Gwilym John Blockley may have taught at ‘summer schools’, and had a strong influence on their pupils.

“Circle of ….”

In my opinion, a work of the period of the artist showing his influence, closely associated with the artist but not necessarily his pupil. This might apply to a painting by somone who has studied books written by an artist like Gwilym John Blockley.

“Style of ….” or “Follower of ….”

In my opinion, a work executed in the artist’s style but not necessarily by a pupil; may be contemporary or nearly contemporary.

“Manner of ….”

In my opinion, a work in the style of the artist but of a later date

“After ….”

In my opinion, a copy (of any date) of a work of the artist which may be painted or more frequently a print

“Signed…”, “Dated….” or “Inscribed”

In my opinion, the work has been signed/dated/inscribed by the artist. The addition of a question mark indicates an element of doubt

“With signature ….”, “With date ….”, “With inscription….” or “Bears signature/date/inscription”

in my opinion, the signature/date/inscription has been added by someone other than the artist